The main idea of the course is to show the full process,
from registration to getting your first money.
One of the most promising and fastest beginnings for making
a profit is fulfilling orders on freelancing.
For many years we are engaged in business through the Internet, in particular the creation of sites to order. All the advantages of such work are obvious. But let’s briefly describe some facts at the moment about my activities:

working hours – an average of no more than 1 hour per day.

You can work when you want and as long as you want.

Make more money per month than most of your friends

You can work without leaving home.

Love your work, because it’s your creation.

You won’t have a boss, so you will be your own boss.
And it is not for pride that we tell all this, but to show that it is possible to live differently. You don’t have to work hard in an office somewhere, listen to your boss yell, and work for a penny. Think about it, what are your prospects? If you have an apartment, it’s fine, and if you don’t have one? How will you save for it, considering the level of wages and prices of housing? Will you have to work all your life for a mortgage and hang that “noose” around your neck? And do you really like your job? The best years are gone. You should live as long as you are healthy and young. And it is stupid to waste your youth and your maturity on work, especially if you do not like it.
If you earn good money, if you like your job – you can close this page. I recommend everyone else to read this page to the end.
What solution do we offer?
In our opinion, there is only one way out – to work only for yourself. In our experience and the experience of our students, the most promising and fastest way to start making a profit is to do freelance work.

All the other ways I know are quite complicated, especially now. Creating a website and making money from advertising? Hardly get it promoted in the next couple of years, unless, of course, invest a lot of money in advertising. But where a guarantee that it will pay off?
Do you want to invest or play in the stock market? So all these exchanges are based on the fact that the majority lose and the minority win. Are you sure you’ll be in the minority and not lose everything? If you have a good track record of successful investing, this is a great option for you, but if not, I wouldn’t risk the money. And it takes a long time to learn it too.
Start an infobusiness? It’s a great way for many people to make money. But a normal level of income (commensurate with wages in the regions), many were only about a year and a half after starting the activity, and the work done during that time was very much. Not surprisingly, many give up at the initial stage. And this despite the fact that then there was much less competition.
Create an online store? Again, how to promote it, given the current competition?
So what are the benefits of freelancing?

With the right approach – a quick start. You will get your first money in the first days.

After 3 months you are already guaranteed an average salary. But again, with the right approach.

The end result is the delegation of your duties to other people. That is, your “promoted” account takes orders, and your employees perform them for a regular salary. You just make a profit. Moreover, the search for orders can also be delegated. In fact, freelancing turns into a passive income, and this is already such a huge advantage that there is no question of “try it or not”.

If you want even more, you can explore other niches that you may not even know. For example, you are not a designer. But who prevents you from hiring a designer and pass orders on to him? The other person will be looking for customers. And you’ll just get the money. Again, all this is only possible with the right approach.
If everything is so great, then why isn’t everyone’s not making so much money?
Unfortunately, in spite of all the advantages, it’s not that easy. Unfortunately, a lot of difficulties await you here. Not surprisingly, the vast majority give up. There are many reasons for this: laziness, wrong beginnings, expecting quick and high results, and fear of competition.
After all, notice that I constantly write the phrase “with the right approach.

That’s exactly the right approach we talk about in the video courses
This course contains unique practical information on how to start your own freelance business from scratch. Since we are experts in the field of website creation, the promotion of this very area will be disassembled as an example. But the course material itself is absolutely universal and is suitable for any niche.
What lessons are in the course?

1. How to Take a Course?
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to take the course to the best of your ability. It is very important that you get the first money already when you watch the course, then your enthusiasm will increase dramatically and it will allow you to grow further

2. Plan to take over the world
A key lesson in which we’ll break down a complete diagram step by step of how to start making money from scratch in freelancing and eventually delegate all your responsibilities to other people. There are several steps here, with several steps in each step. And we go through all of this thoroughly in this lesson.

3. Analyzing other people’s mistakes.
Why do you think 99% fail? Their mistakes are so trivial and obvious to a professional that it’s ridiculous. But beginners don’t understand these nuances. Therefore, after watching this very funny lesson, you will already know what mistakes you absolutely should not make. Without this knowledge, alas, the chances of hitting the 99% are exactly 99%.

4. Freelance Registration.
The main idea of the course is to show the whole process from registration to receiving the first money, so that you have a complete set of knowledge. In this lesson, we’re going to do registration on a freelance service. And you will learn which freelance service is the most optimal for performers.

5. Correct filling of the profile.
If your response to the project interests the customer, he will look at your profile. And here it is very important that your profile makes a positive impression on him. If you have 100 positive reviews, a great portfolio, it’s hard to ruin it. But if you don’t have that (and you obviously don’t) then there are a lot of nuances to make sure that the clients will choose you.

6. Looking for a project.
In this lesson our reality show will continue, and we will respond to projects in the hope that we will be chosen.

7. The first message to the customer.
The first message to the customer, aka the response to the project, is probably the most important part. Again, with a promoted account, you can write whatever you want. But if the account is “zero,” it’s very important to write very well, so that you get noticed. And that’s what this message should be, you’ll learn in this lesson.

8. Discussing details.
In this lesson, the customer has already chosen us, and then we start discussing the details. There are also many subtleties and nuances. If they are not observed, you risk losing the customer.

9. Surrender your work.
This lesson is especially useful for those who will create sites to order. There are nuances on the delivery of work, so you are not cheated on payment. In the same lesson, we will finally get our first profit. And if you have followed my recommendations, you should get your first money, too.

10. Reviews.
The more “promoted” your account is, the more money you can ask for your work. Therefore, it is extremely important to get feedback from the customer after the job is done. Moreover, in the beginning of your activity, your main goal will be to get feedback. That is, you will only take small quick orders for small money with the sole purpose of gaining reviews. And how to get reviews, you will learn in this lesson. Moreover, we will get feedback from our customer as well. As a rule, there are no problems with this, but there are still certain subtleties.

11. What to do if the customer is not satisfied.
Everyone is different, and there are outright inadequates among customers. If you are a good specialist, there will be very few such “comrades”, but, unfortunately, it is very difficult to protect yourself from them. And it is very important not to get a “negative” review from them. In this important lesson you will learn how to smooth over the sharp edges, as well as to competently resolve any conflicts, even if a bad review has already been written.

12. Conclusion, or how to develop further.
In this final lesson I will give some words of encouragement for further development. After all, the first money – it’s certainly great (you will just have euphoria from this), but they can’t buy an apartment, so you need to develop further. And here’s how to do it right, and we’ll tell you.

Why are you sharing this information?
Why not share? We also create custom websites, and there are so many customers that we turn most of them down.
We take only the biggest projects. Thus, we are not afraid of competition. But we are also engaged in infobusiness,
which helps us to earn a passive income. So sharing knowledge for passive income is very cool.
What about competition in freelancing?
When you watch the course, you will realize that 99% of the competitors are laughter.
I don’t even want to call them such a harsh word as “competitor.
We assure you that initially you will have very few competitors, but the orders will be just abound.
And after your promotion you will have no competitors at all. The big players are quite few,
but there are a lot of orders, so everyone has plenty of them.

What results can I guarantee?
I won’t promise that you’ll be making millions in a couple of months. Moreover, in order to avoid unnecessary returns, I will even underestimate what you will have. And I’ll give you this guarantee: If you do not start earning at least $1,000 every month after 3 months of work by following the recommendations from the course, then I will return all the money for the course in the double amount.
And in addition I give general warranty, namely, that if you do not fit the course, change your mind to engage, you can return the money paid for the course in full during the period of general warranty. The general guarantee is issued for a period of 30 days from the date of purchase. That is, you can get a double refund if you meet the conditions (namely, compliance with the recommendations) at any time during 1 year, and a refund for no reason within 30 days of order payment.
We think this is a great offer. Either you’ll be getting decent money to begin with soon, or you’ll get double what you paid now.
How do we check how much you’re getting and if you’ve followed the recommendations in the course?
Very simply, through your account, which is where all the history is going to be. Your entire profile is open, and you can see all the history of your responses to projects. All of the orders you have fulfilled are also visible. And it will be easy to estimate the approximate level of your income. And if you have done everything as we have taught, and the level of income will be below $ 1000 a month, then you will get the money for the course back in double.
We recommend that you don’t put off buying a course for too long, because while you’re thinking, others are already in action.
And, given the enormity of the knowledge, they can seriously compete with you.
So right now, write out and pay the bill, and start learning.